About me

I don’t have much to say about myself. I am a Mechanical Engineering student, born and living at Madurai which is famously called as Temple city and I am the laziest person whom you could ever imagine. I started reading books even before Mr. Chetan Bhagat published his books and attracted more Indian readers. 

In south India, very few people read books other than their text books but my English teacher who is a voracious reader showed me a path to read books when I was thrown out of my chemistry classes. If I had not met her that day I wouldn't have known what a novel meant, their genres and  how a library look. 

So now you may ask why I started blogging. I never had any intention to write but one fine day I had to.  I should thank Tamil Nadu government for gifting us with innumerable power cuts every day which disturbed my reading session and made me to scribble in a piece of paper. In those dark nights I started scribbling in a white sheet and eventually I started blogging! 

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